Deactivating Isadora allows you to re-activate your Isadora license on another computer.

If the computer you wish to deactivate isn’t connected to the internet, you can still deactivate Isadora. However, in order to do so you will need another computer which does have internet access, as well as a portable data storage device (such as a USB flash drive or portable hard drive).

  1. Connect your portable data storage device to your offline computer and launch Isadora on the offline computer.
  2. From the menu, choose Isadora > Help > Offline Deactivation
  3. Enter your License ID and License Activation Password in the dialog box.
  4. Isadora will create an Activation Request File. Save this file to your portable data storage device.
  5. Disconnect your portable data storage device from the offline computer, then connect it to the online computer.
  6. On the online computer, go to where you saved the Activation Request File on your portable data storage device, and open the file.
  7. This will open the Manual Request page of the License Portal.
  8. Press "Download" and save the ‘response.xml’ file to your flash drive.
  9. Disconnect your flash drive from your online computer, and reconnect it to the offline machine.
  10. On the offline computer, click the "Load Activation Response and Deactivate" button.
  11. Select "response.xml" on the flash drive.

This completes the offline deactivation process.