Creating IzzyCast Sessions

To create an IzzyCast Session you will need an IzzyCast Account Key.

Every IzzyCast Session has a Session ID that uniquely identifies the session to anyone who might join it. There are two types of Session IDs: "Single-Use", where the Session ID is generated at the moment the session is created, and "Reserved" where you create the session ID in advance using the Reserved Session ID section of the IzzyCast Product Page (see Creating a Reserved Session ID below).

Typically, we recommend using a Reserved Session ID because it allows you to create the Session ID before the session starts. This means you can send it to all the participants in advance, along with the time at which they should join the session.

For a Single-Use Session ID, you will need to start the session with an IzzyCast Create Session actor in Isadora, let IzzyCast create the new Session ID, and then find a way to send that ID to all the participants using whatever messaging system you prefer.

Using IzzyCast Session IDs

Each IzzyCast Session ID can be used to join a specific IzzyCast Session. This can be either a Reserved Session ID or a Single-Use Session ID.

A host can use a Reserved Session ID to start a specific IzzyCast Session with the IzzyCast Create Session actor inside Isadora.

Participants can use a Reserved Session ID or a Single-Use Session ID to join a specific IzzyCast Session with the IzzyCast Join Session actor inside Isadora.

Creating IzzyCast Session ID

Reserved Session IDs

The Reserved Session ID section of the IzzyCast Product Page can be used to create (and optionally name) IzzyCast Session IDs ahead of time. The host can then insert the Reserved Session ID into the IzzyCast Create Session actor to start that specific IzzyCast Session. This workflow is ideal for most situations as it allows the host to distribute the IzzyCast Session ID to participants before the start time of an IzzyCast Session. Another common use case would be creating a Reserved Session ID, pre-inserting it into the Isadora file for the participants, then sending that file to the participants (negating the need to send a new IzzyCast Session ID to the participants for every rehearsal/show/event and have them type it in every time).

If a Reserved Session ID is given a name, the name will be displayed when reviewing past sessions in the History section of the IzzyCast Product Page. Because Reserved Session IDs can have a name and be used multiple times, they are ideal for keeping all of a specific project/production’s rehearsals/shows/events associated with the same, clearly labeled IzzyCast Session ID.

Single-Use Session IDs

When a host puts their IzzyCast Account Key into the IzzyCast Create Session actor in Isadora and creates a session without putting in a Reserved Session ID, the actor will output a Single-Use IzzyCast Session ID that the host will then need to manually distribute to the other participants. This is ideal for testing and impromptu jam sessions.