IzzyCast Actors

IzzyCast Create Session

An Isadora actor that allows the host to create an IzzyCast Session in Isadora.

IzzyCast Join Session

An Isadora actor that allows a participant to join an IzzyCast Session.

IzzyCast Broadcaster

An Isadora actor that sends one stream of video, one stream of audio, and one or more streams of data into an IzzyCast Session.

IzzyCast Receiver

An Isadora actor that receives a specific user’s video, audio, and data streams, any of which can then be used with other actors inside Isadora.

IzzyCast Devices

An Isadora actor that lists the video and audio devices recognized by IzzyCast and allows the selection of a video input device, an audio input device, and an audio output device via numerical inputs.

IzzyCast Sessions

IzzyCast Session

A secure, online meeting in which connected users can share high-quality video, audio, and data among all users in the session.


A uniquely-named user connected to a session.


A host or participant that is connected to a session.


The creator of a session.


A person or group that joins a session from a single computer.

IzzyCast Account Key

A unique key required to create sessions and log into the IzzyCast Get It Page.

IzzyCast Session ID

A unique, ten-digit number used to join a specific session.

Reserved Session ID

A Session ID that can be created and distributed in advance to the participants. Importantly, this acts like a recurring meeting; it can be used multiple times. Reserved Session IDs can also be named.

Reserved Session Name

The name associated with a Reserved Session ID.

Single-Use Session ID

A Session ID that is created at the moment the host starts the session and, therefore, cannot be distributed in advance to the participants. This acts like a one-time meeting; when the host ends the session, the Session ID cannot be used again.

IzzyCast Session Restore

An IzzyCast feature that, if you're in an IzzyCast Session and Isadora quits unexpectedly, stores and recalls your settings and will give you the option to rejoin the same IzzyCast Session quickly after re-launching Isadora and reopening your file.

IzzyCast User Name

The temporary name a user must choose on a per-session basis.

IzzyCast Product Page

IzzyCast Product Page

A section of the TroikaTronix website where IzzyCast resources can be found.

IzzyCast Get It Page

A section of the TroikaTronix website where you can get what you need to use IzzyCast and log in with your IzzyCast Account Key.

IzzyCast Reserved Session ID Page

A section of the TroikaTronix website where you can create IzzyCast Session IDs in advance, view a list of your Reserved Session IDs, and see your IzzyCast Credit Balance. (Only shown if logged in with an IzzyCast Account Key.)

IzzyCast History Page

A section of the TroikaTronix website where you can see your past IzzyCast Session History, credit usage per session, and your IzzyCast Credit Balance. (Only shown if logged in with an IzzyCast Account Key.)

IzzyCast Credits


A credit represents one minute of bandwidth for one user connected to a session.

Credit Bundle

A purchasable bundle of credits.

Credit Balance

The number of unused credits available on your IzzyCast Account Key.

Session Time Remaining

Your credit balance divided by the number of connections active in your current session.